The first step is the apply for the contract school that USAGPAN runs its program through. In this case, it's Northeastern University. Application for the that is in and complete. I spoke with Ms. Litzinger from the anesthesia program there and confirmed my packet is completed and my letter of recommendation is in from the Phase II director from Madigan Army Hospital. I'm just awaiting review by their admissions panel sometime this month. Results should be in by the end of the month with resulting email notification of acceptance by end of August.
The second step is to apply for commission to the Army Nurse Corps. As stated previously, my situation is a little more sensitive than a regular Direct Accession since I'm transferring branches. My conditional release from the Air Force Reserve is only good for a set amount of time, my recruiters were working double time to get my packet in for boards before it expires. I had a little hiccup going through MEPS with my laser eye surgery documentation, but my waiver for that has finally been cleared. Yesterday I signed my digital signature to approve my packet to be sent to boards. Somewhere in the clouds my packet is sitting awaiting to be reviewed by a special committee for approval for commission. According to my recruiters, I should hear back by end of July or early August.
Its complicated, but I will need acceptance from both boards to be admitted into the program. I also found out from my recruiter that you only get two shots at applying; if I don't get in this time, I only get one more try. I guess that means I better vibe hard for that acceptance.
It's been a long process, but I'm glad I went through with it. At least now I can relax, finish up my biochemistry refresher, enjoy life again for a little bit. I go on a long awaited vacation in two weeks, should be back first week of August hopefully just in time to find out results. Can't wait to go from HUA to HOOAH.