1) Everything that has happened up until this point has been nerve racking; transferring branches of service is not easy. It's been back and forth about who "owns" me, the Air Force Reserves or the Army. There's been paper work mix ups regarding who had authority to sign what which was easy to clear up. I've already signed my contract with the Army, but I guess it was an "illegal" contract since AFRC hasn't released me. Then AFRC didn't want to release me until I had orders from the Army, but the Army didn't want to give me orders until AFRC released me. Then AFRC didn't want to release me until I had an oath of commission into the Army, but technically I'm already oathed in as a military officer of the United States. Not a problem though. The Army will oath me in again when I go to BOLC. So basically I'm currently in a grey area where I belong in two branches.
2) The good news is that on 29 Jan 2015, I finally got the call from my recruiters saying my orders are in and I've been approved to attend BOLC with a report date at the end of February. I guess one month notice is gracious enough for the military and I've already turned in my two notice at my civilian employer. I'm in the middle of packing up my apartment right now and planning a small road trip while driving out to Texas later this month.
3) The great thing about USAGPAN that has impressed me so far is the guidance and the organization. What's really helped so far is the fact that they actually had a current student contact me as a sponsor/mentor. It's great to have a resource to answer your questions not only about the program itself but about life in general, such as moving, living arrangements, tips about BOLC, and other logistics. The other thing I find interesting is that the community is tiny; I've already made contact with a couple of future classmates online through various forums and boards.
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