16 July, 2016

4 July 2016 - Start of Phase 2

It's been a while since I've updated this blog. It's been hectic moving again half way across the country but I've arrived at my next duty station in North Carolina and will be starting Phase 2 soon while finishing up some in-processing.

Apparently, each Phase 2 site is run slightly differently. We pretty much hit the ground and are now scrambling to figure out where we are at. There hasn't been much sleep and its been a bit overwhelming. The staff and faculty are supportive and do understand the struggle, however. We're given plenty of time to settle in and overall my family and I are happy where we're at.

I feel like I've already forgotten most of what I learned in Phase 1, or if I do remember, it's wrong, not practical, or not congruent with practice where we're at. Phase 1 was definitely one of the most challenging academic experiences in my life and built a great knowledge foundation. Phase 2 is a completely different workflow. I figure, however, that it's one of those "if I can do it, anyone can do it" type of things. As has been said by many before me: I'm not the smartest person but I'm willing to work hard and sleep less.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Eric,
    I read your blog from beginning to end to find some answers. I’m currently at a standstill in my career path.
    I have 7 years experience in CCU at a tier 2 trauma center(Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, CA). I have a family: a wife and 2 boys (2 and 4). I’m having an internal struggle in considering my future options. I can’t do bedside forever as my back is already hurting and frankly it isn’t challenging anymore and therefore that can become dangerous for my patients
    I recently became aware of the military option for CRNA school. I don’t have the strongest gpa but I am a hard worker. When I read how you are a “focused introvert” I can relate to that as I kick everyone out of my room for MY admissions - I find it easier to think and complete my tasks. That being said I work really well with others, it’s just when it comes to my job I prefer to be the one doing it
    I know it’s been a long while since you’ve last posted and I hope you’re doing well. I’m just curious how feasible do you think this military option would be for me - a civilian with no prior military training. My wife is an RN too. We have a good stable life and I’m just worried about our future. (Our organization doesn’t have a pension but just a 403b retirement plan.) oh by the way, im 34. Just looking for your insight.

    Thank you for your blog.
